At MagmaCultura we know them very well, since Aina, Marta, Maria Rosa, Miriam and Eva, in addition to being five excellent linguists, are our colleagues.

Who are the superoptimists?


The Optimot online search engine, a service of the General Directorate for Language Policy (DGPL), was launched 10 years ago and has become one of the most widely used linguistic tools in Catalan. For this reason, several media outlets have visited the offices of the superoptimists, the team behind them, and have interviewed them.

From MagmaCultura we congratulate you for a job so well done: almost 18 million searches carried out in 2018 and more than 25,000 followers on the Twitter profile endorse them!

Click the links to read the full articles:

>Viatge al center de l’Optimot , by Diari de la Llengua .

>One day at l’Optimot , by Rudolf Ortega for El País .