After two years of work, MagmaCultura has implemented a series of measures that have contributed to the systematization and improvement of certain company tasks.

MagmaCultura completes its digitization process


The work has focused on two lines of action, one aimed at making internal improvements and the other at providing improvements to customers. Of the group of the former, the comprehensive implementation of Microsoft Teams stands out as a transversal communication tool, which facilitates instant messaging, calls and video calls and the sharing of documents among all team members, among other features. In addition, the reception and management of computer incidents has been automated through a ticketing tool, OSTicket, with the aim of registering and solving them more quickly.

In the field of human resources, all documentation has been digitized and a digital signing tool and questionnaires have been incorporated, all with the intention of systematizing work, making data searches faster and reducing paper consumption.

Finally, with regard to customer service, a switchboard based on the Internet and the Cloud has been introduced, in order to be able to make a better and greater parameterization of the information.

In the improvement towards customers, it is worth highlighting the implementation of a digital solution for evaluating the quality of services, which allows detailed feedback to be received from multiple dimensions and points of view and to obtain an analysis of the results in real time to speed up the application of corrective measures and improvements in services.

With all these measures, we hope to contribute to a better work environment both internally and externally, and both in the professional, social and environmental aspects.

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